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Large Birds 


Do not feed birds avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, caffeine or alcohol as these can cause serious medical conditions. Avoid sugar and high-frat treats. A well balanced diet consists of specialized pellets making up to 60-70% of diet plus fresh vegetables, fruit and small amount of fortified seeds. As well as clean, fresh, filtered, chlorine-free water, changed daily. Things to remember; fresh food and water should always be visible and available, vegetables and fruits not eaten within a few hours should be discarded. treats should not exceed 10% of total food intake. These small birds acclimate well to average household temperatures; not to drop to 65% or to exceed 85%. If weather is hotter provide shade, and lots of cold fresh water. If weather is too warm provide some extra eat as covering it up and preferably keeping inside the home. These medium birds can be bought 1 by itself if you want to bond with it, or have at least a pair if not. Provide foraging toys, which promotes important mental stimulation. The amazon parrot has a remarkable ability to mimic human speech and other sounds. from 8.3 to 8.8 oz. weight as an adult. These parrots are known to live up to 80 years. The variation includes turquoise fronted, yellow headed, double yellow head, orange winged,yellow naped, yellow crowned, red lored , southern mealy, white fronted, Cuban, red crowned, lilac crowned, cherry head, vinaceous-breasted. The Grey Parrot also known as the Congo grey parrot or African grey parrot has a mass of 14 oz. Has a lifespan of 40- 60 years in captivity. They are really smart and a popular species, because it is said that it holds the mental and emotional capacities of a five year old human child. The cockatoos lifespan is from 10 to 60 years, depending in the species and the care it is given. They are really smart and territorial, size ranging from 30 to 60 cm. A macaws lifespan is about 50 years with proper care, its weight starts from 2.3 lbs. to 3.7 lbs. Its height is about four feet, They are really smart birds that love being swith human being and are easily adaptive.

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